книги Компьютеры и Интернет Устройство компьютера, “железо” Периферия

Peter Norton`s New Inside the PC. На английском языке

Код 27569

  • ISBN: 0-672-32289-7
  • 626 страниц
  • май 2002
  • SAMS
  • 1045 г

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Аннотация к книге "Peter Norton`s New Inside the PC. На английском языке"

Peter Norton\'s New Inside the PC is revised and updated to meet the ever-changing world of PC computing. With this book, you\'ll be able to sort out the hundreds of components, peripherals and other options available on a modern PC. This book will be your lifeline as you set up and maintain your PC hardware. Whether you are a computing novice or a more advanced user, this book will serve as a solid educational and reference tool. Follow Peter and Scott as they guide you through an exciting, informative, and friendly journey through the inner-workings of the PC.

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Издательство: SAMS
Дата выхода: май 2002
ISBN: 0-672-32289-7
Объём: 626 страниц
Масса: 1045 г
Размеры(высота, ширина, толщина), см: 23 x 19 x 4

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